Friday, January 29, 2016

Love overdose?

We grow up in a world where falling in love is one of the greatest things that can happen to you. One of the ultimate goals of someone's life.
Love, love, love, love!!!!
Meet your other half, have a nice romantic relationship, get serious with each other, get engaged, get married. 

What if....not?

Ok, yes, I admit it that falling in love can be a mindblowing exprerience.
But, why should we focus so much in falling in love? There are movies, books, music, blogs, articles, poems, and many more things about the importance of romantic love. A part of them create the general idea that if you fall in love (and only then!) you're going to be whole, feel completed.
But, inside all this kind of crazyness, do we lose other things?
Maybe other kinds of love, love for friends and family (and pets) that can make us feel complete as well.

Why should we concentrate so much in love and talking about every aspect of it,
like it's the one thing that's going to change the world and make it a better place?

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Question marks

There are question marks that pop inside yοur mind. Sometimes it only takes a random (or not so random) stimulus. 

How much do you live?

Do you really live?

What do you do for the world?

Are you going to make the slightest change in the world with your actions and life?

Do you let time go by without doing your best to live and create?

Are you happy? 

Could you be happier?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Why I choose to be giddy and childish (sometimes)

If you know me personally, it's almost certain that at some point you thought I was giddy or childish.
And you were probably right. Because sometimes (ok, many times) I am those things.
But not by chance. I'm choosing to be those things!

The world we live in is ugly. Yes, there are some good things too, but most things in it are ugly and bad. If you take a moment and think about how things really are, chances are that you're going to end up depressed, cynic, somehow similar to these and definitely unhappy.

It's been years now since I took a look around me and saw the world for what it really is. Time went by and I made the decision to be in a constant search for happiness, to focus on the bright side of life as much as I can, to be giddy and even kind of childish sometimes.
Because, this way I fight against the ugliness of the world.
This way I try to create my own happiness (sometimes I make it, some others not).
This way I fight against every black hole (a.k.a. mood/period of time of blues and melancholy) that crosses my mind.
This way I smile.
This way I survive in the best possible way.

And I'm going to keep doing  it, because I want to. I'm doing the things I should do as an adult, I know how the world really is and I make the choice of being the way I want and the way that satisfies me the most!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Having no master

When you're asking for freedom, you must first give yourself freedom.
That's the way it goes. Usually yourself is the first person that keeps you trapped and doesn't let you be totally (or even in a good percent) free! It's hard, because sometimes you may not even realize how much do you suppress your own self. It might be the way you were raised, the environment you live in, the way you live your life, or a combination of all these.
Your way to freedom starts with a simple question: " what do I really want?".
The procedure of getting what you really want may break your bones a little bit (or a lot), the changes may be big, you may learn to react differently in certain situations and even stand up to yourself and others when needed in order to reach your goal.
Plus, you must be prepared to lose some people (or set them aside, it depends on your point of view). While going for what you really want, you put everything into perspective and you may realise that you don't want some types of behavior in your life.
While changing yourself and your life, the dynamics of your relationships with others are going to change as well (with some, the changes will come naturally and with some others are going to be your own choices). And that's basically the next step of freeing yourself! Being as free as you can from others. There comes a moment when you feel like you have no master, you need no bossy figure in your close circle of family and friends. And that no one is better on telling you what you want and what you need than yourself. You should be prepared for a few loses at this point. But it's ok, you can live without anyone that you think of as necessary right now. Freedom and the change you need to reach it take a lot of strength and inner will. Basically is a procedure of reaching your truth and finding your balance in your relationships with others and the whole world.
The only difference is that you can taste freedom and you're totally your own boss! 
Well done (for now)!

Monday, January 4, 2016

No miracles

In the last days of 2015 we had our last practise/meeting of the year with my theatrical game group.
And among other things, each one of us wrote a small letter to Santa Claus. 
In mine, I was asking for a small miracle, something to happen, something that I wouldn't have to try so hard and work for it; something to come on its own and maybe something unexpected.

Since then I gave it some thought and I reached to a conclusion.
Miracles don't exist!
Miracles (things that come on their own and out of the blue) don't happen, they just don't!

Everything that happens in our lives has to do with us and the others around us. 
When a good career opportunity comes, it's because you worked and you pushed yourself to reach this point.
When you meet new people or maybe a new love, it's because you went out or you started a new activity, you were open to everything and everyone around you.
These are only examples, but think about it..... if you stay all day in your house doing nothing, nothing mindblowing is going to come. And when something, like a new friendship, happens it's because the other person want it for it to happen.

Miracles don't happen and it's abolutely fine.

 Now get up and do something yourself!
