Saturday, January 16, 2016

Why I choose to be giddy and childish (sometimes)

If you know me personally, it's almost certain that at some point you thought I was giddy or childish.
And you were probably right. Because sometimes (ok, many times) I am those things.
But not by chance. I'm choosing to be those things!

The world we live in is ugly. Yes, there are some good things too, but most things in it are ugly and bad. If you take a moment and think about how things really are, chances are that you're going to end up depressed, cynic, somehow similar to these and definitely unhappy.

It's been years now since I took a look around me and saw the world for what it really is. Time went by and I made the decision to be in a constant search for happiness, to focus on the bright side of life as much as I can, to be giddy and even kind of childish sometimes.
Because, this way I fight against the ugliness of the world.
This way I try to create my own happiness (sometimes I make it, some others not).
This way I fight against every black hole (a.k.a. mood/period of time of blues and melancholy) that crosses my mind.
This way I smile.
This way I survive in the best possible way.

And I'm going to keep doing  it, because I want to. I'm doing the things I should do as an adult, I know how the world really is and I make the choice of being the way I want and the way that satisfies me the most!

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