Thursday, June 4, 2015

A few truths....

There are things in life that you don't want to accept. 
Deep inside you may know they're true, but you prefer fighting against them than accepting them.
Here are few...

* You can make plans in life, but you must always remember that life may have her own for you (and yeah, hers might be a little bit different than yours!).

* Every person is different, unique and the chances of having a different opinion than yours are really big.

* Everything has a beginning, a duration/life and an ending.

* Life is quite ugly and you can't avoid or do something about it.

* Al the things that you're afraid of....well, stop worrying so much because you can't control everything!

* We're all pretty small in comparison with life . Yes, we can do amazing things, but life is definitely greater than us.

* You can't change someone if they don't want to change themselves....

*...but you can change yourself and the way you react to things.

* Magic happens when you start believing in yourself, without expecting a compliment or an other person to give you value. You have your own!

* As they say..."done is better than perfect". So, act!
(And let "perfection" aside or as a next step).

* Usually the worst things that you imagine happening to you aren't the ones that will eventually happen. (There will be others....!).

* You don't know evething and there are good chances that the things you suppose you know aren't right.

* There isn't really such a thing as "perfection".

* Life is a constant evolution, so you should get used to the idea of change.

* As I recently read on a quote, you must always keep in mind that others are figuring it out along the way too.

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