Monday, January 4, 2016

No miracles

In the last days of 2015 we had our last practise/meeting of the year with my theatrical game group.
And among other things, each one of us wrote a small letter to Santa Claus. 
In mine, I was asking for a small miracle, something to happen, something that I wouldn't have to try so hard and work for it; something to come on its own and maybe something unexpected.

Since then I gave it some thought and I reached to a conclusion.
Miracles don't exist!
Miracles (things that come on their own and out of the blue) don't happen, they just don't!

Everything that happens in our lives has to do with us and the others around us. 
When a good career opportunity comes, it's because you worked and you pushed yourself to reach this point.
When you meet new people or maybe a new love, it's because you went out or you started a new activity, you were open to everything and everyone around you.
These are only examples, but think about it..... if you stay all day in your house doing nothing, nothing mindblowing is going to come. And when something, like a new friendship, happens it's because the other person want it for it to happen.

Miracles don't happen and it's abolutely fine.

 Now get up and do something yourself!


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