Monday, December 21, 2015

My trust to others

For the ones that make me believe again....

(image source here)

I'm going to be clear from the beginning.
I don't trust other people. 
I was raised with the idea that everyone is a good person (my mother grew up with the same idea, so she basically had no choice about what she was going to teach us). 
When I was younger I was trusting others, a lot! But many people started showing their true self at some point, so I kind of started to expect that some people may not be what they seem. Many times in the past I pinned my hopes on other people and in the end they let me down.
Until today, the examples of not trust worthy people that have been (or are) in my life are a couple (few, many....) and they cost me....
They cost me to change from trusting others to believe that you must count only to yourself. 
Kind of sad, yes. 
I still have expectations but in the back of my mind I always have the sense that something will go wrong. 

But the past couple of months I think I have started to believe again....
Yes, there are should I put it, well.....there are many not trustworthy and some even shitty people out there in the world, but some others that will be worth your trust and they're going to prove their value. They're going to be the reminder that there's something good out there.... The proportion of trustworthy and not trustworthy people might be uneven but it's almost a blessing when you find the good ones....

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