Wednesday, March 18, 2015

New rules of (my) life

There are thoughts and ideas that are always in your mind, coming and going depending on the circumstances. And then there comes a moment when everything's falling into place and it's TIME to feel them to your core and adapt them so you can live the rest of your life (or a big part of it, until the next period of self-searching comes).
The last three weeks I realized so many things about  myself and life and I'm already living according to my new discoveries!

* Prefer love than hate
Hate and negative feelings can only harm yourself, your "insides" and it's definitely not good to wish something bad to other people. 
So, wish for everyone to be ok and happy!

* Time passes and life is short.
You should try to live the best you can and be true to yourself, your needs and your dreams. Things might not go exactly as you plan, but at least you'll come as close as you can to the life you wanted to live!

* Don't run.
I used to be that kind of runner who runs from awkward feelings, from moments where things get uncomfortable, from feelings, from myself, from others. The difference between running and staying there living what's happening it's huge. Sometimes it's hard when it happens, but afterwards you take a bunch of things with you.

* The world sucks, but each one of us can create his/her own life and "microcosm".
Yes the world we live in is far from ideal but this doesn't mean that we're going to live the life others choose for us. In the end we must be able to say "I have lived the best I can" (like a Korn song says).

* Happiness it's definitely a choice.
It's a choice you make on a daily basis. Even in the worst of times, beauty and happiness exist and can be found.

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