Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hello, chaos!

There is a song that says "bad things come in twos" (you can listen to it here). Bad things can come in twos, threes, fours, fives, etc. Sometimes one bad thing happens and then bad things keep coming and you find yourself totally outside your comfort zone, with a chaos in your life and a micro-chaos inside your mind.
 What do you do then? 
First of all, don't give up! Keep going and fighting. Don't give up on your goals, your dreams,  life, others, yourself.
Another very important thing to do is to admit (to yourself basically) that things are not ok. From that point you will be able to start repairing the world inside and outside yourself. 
For the "repairing period"... do things that you like, have fun, go out, meet people you love and talk to others for serious and not so serious things, create (if you're the creative type, difficult times are very productive). 
And day by day, step by step, start re-building everything, do those things you were afraid of doing, try new ones, continue doing older ones and one day you'll wake up one morning and you'll think....
"Oh, it's over! And how nice is everything here ...!".

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