Sunday, May 24, 2015

The beauty of chaos

Imagine that you're standing on a cliff and you're pushed. 
Imagine falling into the sea that's in front of the cliff.
That's how losing things and people you were used to have in your life feels like, how you feel when situations and relationships change and everything in your life comes upside down.

Imagine trying to swim so you can reach the nearest shore.
That's how trying to escape the chaos that not-so-good changes bring with them feels like.

But there comes a moment that you realize that the best thing to do is stop trying to find the exit, stop trying to find your way out of the chaos.
The moment when you decide to lay back and enjoy it.
After all through the chaos you come across things you could have never imagined getting close to, you move on in life and you become a newer version of yourself..., relax and enjoy the beauty!

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