Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Hello, world!

After periods of time when everything has gone wrong, the moment when you feel like everything is falling into place again it's a blessing! Magic, magical (like the unicorn emoticon says on Facebook)!
 You feel like saying "Hello, world!", or "I'm back baby!". 
You start feeling something familiar inside your mind and soul, pieces of the person you really are and of whom you used to be before the crisis you've been through.
And my personal favorite: smiling! Oh, catching yourself smiling at random momemts during the day is....great (or should I say divine?). At least if you're normally that type of person.
The world is a fine place, life is going to be what you want to be (because the ending era ddefinitely left a few things behind to help you with those coming), a day just started (you can even see it in my inspiration-of-the-moment photos, 10 minutes after waking up) and nice things are coming!

I'm back baby!

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